The moment you walk into Seed and Bean, you are immediately greeted by the baristas. This has been one of the more bigger coffee shops that I’ve had the chance to visit. It’s a really laid back place and you’ll notice they sell way more than just coffee. I sat next to a hat and t-shirt stand! At the tables, you’ll notice fake marijuana plants in a jar filled with pebbles, at the center. The fake plants weren’t rooted to the bottom, they had cut the stems off and hot glued the plants to the inside of the rim. I initially didn’t notice it until my boyfriend and I started talking about it. We thought maybe they decided to do that because little kids were probably taking them, which we found to be a bit humorous, even if it was just a guess.

Right in the heart of Downtown you will find Seed and Bean Market. What is most interesting about this cafe is that they are Florida’s first CBD marketplace. If this is something you are or may be interested in, be sure to bring in your ID, because they will not sell you CBD shots in your coffee or any CBD products if you are under the age of 18. If you are unaware about CBD and how it works–it does not get you “high”. The compound responsible for getting you high in cannabis, is THC. CBD is responsible for reducing pain, decreasing inflammation, and even calming the body and mind.
Besides coffee, they sell other compelling products, some of which can be infused with CBD if you’re interested. Seed and Bean Market sell breakfast, appetizers, soups and salads, lunch, CBD infused beverages, CBD mocktails, bottled beer, cannabis and local beers, wine, coffee, protein shakes, and soda. They also offer a dinner menu which contain desserts (that can also be CDB infused, but be sure to ask about it. Something to engage their costumers with is their entree’s. With every two entree’s you buy, you will receive a free bottle of wine! And who doesn’t love free things!

They do offer in-store discounts for a few selected group of people. Senior citizens receive 10% off. Military/veteran/first responders receive 10% off. Government employees also receive 10% off. The price of the coffees aren’t expensive at all, but remember, dairy-free milks, extra shots of espresso, and CBD shots will always be extra money. For those of you who are a no milk, no creamer type of person, their regular house brew mug is only $1.99. If you need some flavor to be able to drink your coffee, their latte is $2.99 for a small, and $3.99 for a large. The small comes with one espresso shot, while the large comes with two. They offer milk substitutes if you don’t drink dairy such as, almond, soy, oat, and hemp milk. I was unfamiliar with what hemp milk was until that day, so if you’re unfamiliar with it too, keep reading. Hemp milk is dairy-free. It’s made by blending water and the seeds from the hemp plant and it does not get you high, for those of you who were curious. Unfortunately, they were out of hemp milk the day I went, which means it’s quite popular and could only assume tasty, but I was made aware that it has a nutty taste and a creamy consistency!
Well done!!!!
Thank you!
Awesome thanks
Thank you!!